Public Works
Public Works
Bill Elias - Street Superintendent
Phone: (309) 365-4381
Email: streets@lexingtonil.gov
The Supervisor of Streets is an executive office of the City of Lexington and is appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. The Supervisor of Streets is responsible for the improvement, repair, and cleaning of Lexington’s streets and for maintaining necessary equipment. Street improvements, repairs, and necessary equipment are funded by the City’s General Fund (the property tax levy) and the Motor Fuel Tax Fund administered through the State of Illinois.
For Golf Carts & Neighborhood Vehicles: Non-Highway Vehicle Registration Form
Billy DuBois - Water Superintendent
Phone: (309) 365-3331
Fax: (309) 365-3811
Email: water@lexingtonil.gov
The Water Superintendent is an executive office of the City of Lexington and is appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. The Water Superintendent is responsible for the improvement, repair, cleaning, and construction of wells, water mains, water treatment works, and necessary equipment. The Water Superintendent has charge of the installation of water service taps and the extension of water service to new developments within the City. Water system operations and improvements are funded by the City’s Water Fund through user fees.
Recurring ACH Payment Request Form
Email: sewer@lexingtonil.gov
The Sewer Superintendent is an executive office of the City of Lexington and is appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. The Sewer Superintendent is responsible for the improvement, repair, cleaning, and construction of the wastewater collection system, the wastewater treatment plant, associated infrastructure, and necessary equipment. The Sewer Superintendent has charge of the installation of sewer service connections and the extension of sewer services to new developments within the City. Sewer system operations and improvements are funded by the City’s Sewer Fund through user fees.
Lexington GIS is a collaboration between the City Public Works Department and the McLean County Regional Planning Commission GIS Consortium. This website includes a graphical user interface where you can view and analyze geospatial data for the City of Lexington. Click on the purple link at the beginning of this paragraph to go to the mapping tool.
This data includes:
street names
parcel numbers
tax districts
aerial photographs
topographic data
hydrology data
election boundaries
and much more
The data will also be useful to prospective commercial and residential developers with an interest in making investments in the community.